Handling Records

17.1 Introduction

The Church is currently reviewing official records policies. Until official policy is decided upon, please follow this guide and local laws for record retention.

It is important to keep records not only for legal reasons but also to help the ERC more effectively serve others with their employment needs. Keep records for the full recommended period. If various record types are combined in storage, keep records for the longest recommended period. Many records may be maintained electronically in computer files.

Current legally mandated employee notices (for example, federal or state job safety, workers compensation, and emergency telephone numbers) should be posted.

Check with your operations finance office and with your AWM to know which documents your center must have on hand and which must be reported to government officials. The following sections discuss ERS policies. If local laws differ, follow the more restrictive of the two.


17.2 Protecting Records

ERC staff should back up personal computer work files on their C drive regularly. These are generally files that the manager has created that would be difficult and time consuming to restore should the computer crash. File storage locations protect the files from excess heat, cold, and dust.

ERC staff should protect computer hardware and software from theft and damage from fire, water, and dust. They should also limit access to computer equipment to authorized staff by using passwords.

Confidential records (such as financial reports and employment files) should be kept in a secure place when not in use and should be kept locked during nonbusiness hours.

17.3 Destroying Records

Destroy physical records by shredding or by fire as soon as it is proper to do so. Delete electronic files from computer storage. Whenever you destroy records, have another individual witness the action.

17.4 Finances

Centers in the U.S. and Canada should keep these records on file and then dispose of them properly.

  • Copies of IROPs
    • Keep for seven years
  • Purchase Card, Petty Cash Card, Travel Expenses
    • Keep for two years
  • Monthly Expense Reimbursements
    • Keep for two years
  • Monthly Financial Reports (balance sheets and general ledgers)
    • Keep for two years

17.5 Personnel

17.6 Candidate Profiles

Because candidate profiles are maintained electronically through the website, Church headquarters will manage candidate profiles.

In areas where LDSJobs.org is not available, CAP forms need to be stored in a secure location, accessible only to ERC staff. Establish a regular process for destroying candidate files that have been inactive for a year.

Active or inactive client files (hard copy or on LDSJobs.org) should:

  • Not identify the person’s marital status, national origin, age, race, or disability.
  • Not include any written comments by staff members that refer to the above categories.
  • Not include any dots, codes, or other identifying system that would indicate the above categories.
  • Include comments that reflect only the work-related skills, interests, and history of the individual.

In the United States, job order records (hard copy or on LDSJobs.org) should include only bona fide occupational qualifications. There should not be entries that identify employer preferences regarding age, sex, national origin, race, or religion, and job titles should not include references to a worker’s sex (for example, no titles such as “girl Friday,” “waitress,” or “salesman”). ERCs outside of the U.S. and Canada should follow their country’s laws and regulations.

17.7 Technical Updates

Details from the technical updates have been added into the appropriate section of this operations guide. You may access specific updates directly on the Deseret Employment team site.

17.8 Business Documents and Agreements

  • Rental agreements
  • R&I
  • Emergency maintenance

17.9 Other Possible Folders

  • Church leaders
  • Training records
  • Resources