We can provide social, emotional, and mental health support after a disaster or a crisis. When experiencing challenges out of our control, we each respond in many different ways. Sometimes we struggle, and that’s OK. At other times, we may respond with resilience by using our strengths and resources. It’s not uncommon for us to respond with a mix of both struggles and strengths.
If you would like to talk with Family Services counselor or receive social, emotional, and mental health support after a disaster or critical incident, talk to a Church leader. Family Services provides specialized services in these circumstances at the request of and in consultation with Church leaders. Services may include consultation, assessment, crisis intervention, counseling, resource development, and referrals. These services are designed to help build emotional self-reliance and strength.
Emergency Response Telesupport
Telesupport (by phone or video conferencing) is an option when emergency response psychosocial services cannot be provided in person. If you need to receive emergency response telesupport, speak to a Church leader. They can contact Family Services to coordinate a call for you. Emergency response telesupport is crisis counseling and is not therapy. Typically, the call is 10 to 20 minutes long and is a one-time contact.
Emergency response telesupport services focus on expressing compassion, identifying and normalizing responses, providing basic coping strategies, exploring how to support others (children, elderly, ministering), and providing hope and resources. Emergency response telesupport does not require any paperwork or payment.
Other Resources
Other available resources include local mental health crisis line numbers or the SAMHSA Disaster Distress Hotline (U.S. only, call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746).
The documents "Facing Challenges: A Self-Help Guide" and "Discussion Guide: How Can I Minister to Others in a Crisis?" can also be helpful.