During an emergency response cleanup activity, Church members are covered by Church insurance.
If a member is injured and has personal insurance:
He or she is asked to first submit the claim to his or her personal insurance company for payment.
Deseret Mutual Benefits Administration (DMBA) will generally pay 100 percent of the contracted rate, as a secondary insurance provider. The individual limit for coverage is three years from the date of the injury or up to $15,000, whichever comes first.
If a member is injured and does not have personal insurance:
DMBA will provide an ID number that can be given to any provider who the member has seen or will need to continue to see. With this ID number, the provider may bill DMBA directly. The individual limit for coverage is three years from the date of the injury or up to $15,000, whichever comes first.
For a more in-depth look at the benefits available through Church Activity Medical Assistance (CAMA), the DMBA handbook can be viewed online at dmba.com/churchactivity. A copy of the Church Activity Medical Assistance Request Form and more detailed instructions are on the website.
Proof of Insurance:
On very rare occasions, a group may ask that the Church supply them with proof of insurance before beginning cleanup efforts. In that instance, the Request for Insurance Certificate needs to be completed and returned.